Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Unexpected Outcome

Well, it was never the most perfect quilt, and in the beginning I didn't like what I did, but then after a surprise call from Prague, I find out my mummy is visiting for a few months and everything fell into place.

I haven't seen my mum for over three years and her personality is so topsy turvy it gave me a whole new thought of inspiration.  My mum is my mum.  Just my mum but also the best mum I could ever have.  She isn't perfect but you also can't find better than her so when I put two and two together, I realised the quilt I started suited her to perfection.

So in the end, it was made for her. LITERALLY hehehe.  I finished it tonight and it is ready for her when she arrives.  It's her christmas present and I think she might just like it quite a great deal.

The quilt isn't perfect, but it's good.  It makes you feel good and that's just what I wanted.  Especially for my mummy.  At my age I should call her something more appropriate, but you know what, even when I'm 60 she will always be my mummy.....

I love you mummy. xoxox

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